Puppy Training: How to Walk Your Puppy Correctly


man in blue t-shirt and blue denim jeans walking with white dog on road during

Nowadays, many people prefer to have a puppy in their homes. But some have some problems in training their puppy to walk. A puppy needs to be trained while he is at a young age so that he can be easily trained. If a puppy is not trained in the right way he can become a nightmare to his master. Therefore, if you are having a puppy in your house it is your responsibility to train him properly. Here you will get all the information about how you should train your puppy to walk.

How to Train Your Puppy to Walk?

There are a lot of myths about dogs, but one thing no one can deny is how much fun they are. Although it’s tempting to take your new puppy out on the town as soon as you meet, the truth is that he’s not quite ready for her close-up yet.

A lot of vets agree although socialisation is important at a young age, taking your puppy along with you on your errands too early in life might not be a good idea since he won’t yet have had all of his core vaccinations against terrible diseases like rabies and distemper. In fact, veterinarians recommend keeping would-be spaniel stars away from dog parks and avoiding taking your pal outside until after he has had all of his immunisations.

When all of the immunisation is done here is how you can train your puppy to walk.

woman in brown jacket and black pants walking with black labrador retriever on brown grass field

Introduce Leash and Collar

If your dog is even a few weeks old, it’s safe to get his collars and leashes ready for him. Older dogs are often uncomfortable with things like collars or leashes because they associate them with bad experiences from the past. So go ahead and introduce your puppy to these things when he’s doing something positive such as eating, playing, or getting affection.

Pat him around the collar area with a treat until he adjusts just right. It’s also a good idea to set up positive associations with leashes by allowing walks regularly. If necessary use treats or toys to make this process more enjoyable!

Walk-In the Garden

Before you begin walking your puppy, the first step is to attach your dog's leash to its collar. Just like training them to walk on a lead gradually over time, you'll also need to train your dog to adjust to the sensation of having their lead attached when walking in the garden. When using a dog leash for puppy training, it's recommended that you keep it virtually slack so they barely even notice it’s there as this will make training much easier!

After a couple of minutes, remove the lead and let your dog off-leash to play for a while. The goal here is to have them walk alongside you so that they get used to staying next to you on their terms, which will eventually give way to them paying more attention the closer you are at all times.

Associate the Leash Walking With Fun

A dog lead is used to ensure your pet doesn't wander off, so it's important to make your canine feel comfortable once this has been put on. You can use treats or toys to entertain your puppy and create a positive association for them with the dog lead.

This should have a knock-on effect in that it significantly increases the odds of your pet being ready and keen to co-operate when you reach for their lead. You need some peace of mind knowing you can grab hold of your pet when they start misbehaving or that they won't run off if they're not in their outdoor run.

girl in blue t-shirt and blue denim shorts holding leash of white and brown jack

Take Them Outside For Walk

Initially, your puppy may whine and cry about being put on the leash for the first time when going outside. However, it is important to remember that it’s a new experience for them so these reactions are completely normal until they become acclimated to what’s going on around them.

Over time, they will become accustomed to this routine as a fun and exciting part of their day. In fact, some puppies may even get excited and get over-stimulated by all of their new surroundings, so it may be a good idea to shorten the amount of time you spend on walks at first.

Always Select a Quiet Area

Since most puppies are very excitable by nature and like to dart about, it's a good idea to teach them the concept of walking on a lead. However, you should start in a quiet area (e.g. your backyard) before moving forward into busier places with other people around such as parks with other dog walkers or somewhere where you will encounter noise from cars or planes flying overhead, etc.

Command Train Your Puppy

Beginning puppy training is vital, especially through puppy lead training. People often ask their pets to follow a set of commands such as sit, lie down, or stay. It is important that the owner is consistent with their pet’s obedience and reinforces commands by using them repeatedly to reinforce in your puppy's mind what is expected.

By being consistent in the use of commands, it increases the overall probability that these guidelines will be followed correctly and often enough for each command to be learned thoroughly.

Stay Patient

Remember that the first time your puppy is placed on a lead they will not fully understand what is going on and where they are being led to. For this reason, it’s important to be patient with them during puppy training and not to pull them along because it can cause issues such as anxiety.

Instead, just stand still with them and calmly wait until they realize what the lead is for. Only reward positive behavior and avoid any other behavior by not bothering or interfering at all.


You've probably noticed that your dog has a mind of its own. That's something that all dog owners have to deal with! Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to make training your dog to walk on a leash easier. We hope you found these tips useful and that they will help you train your dog to walk on a leash so that you and your dog can enjoy your time outside together!

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