Complete Guide to Getting a Rescue Dog


Not everyone can have the luxury of owning a purebred. A purebred is a great addition to a family, but it isn't the only option. Many people choose to adopt a rescue dog. A rescue dog is a great animal to have in your home.

They have so much love to give and they aren't very difficult to take care of. This blog will look at what you should look for when choosing a rescue dog. We will also look at the guide to getting a rescue dog and maybe even some tips on how to select the right rescue dog.

A Guide to Getting a Rescue Dog

Have You Make Up Your Mind

Just like certain breeds aren’t suited for certain lifestyles, rescue dogs may not be right for your lifestyle either. Are you able to quickly help train a dog with some minor issues or do you need a dog that has been well-trained by previous owners?

If you don't have the time to dedicate to helping out a pup who needs training and care, it's probably best to consider another type of pet. It's important not to get a dog if you're planning on being away from home the majority of the day and have no one else to look after your furry friend.

photo of man hugging tan dog

An Adult Dog or Puppy

Too many dogs are in rescue centres, in need of having a suitable home. We’re aware that some people may prefer to buy a specific breed as opposed to one that's up for adoption from an animal shelter, but we think it is important for everyone to be aware of how many loyal and loving pets just aren’t getting the opportunity to live their lives the way they deserve.

One thing many pet owners struggle with is choosing the right type of pet for their home, especially when there are too many furry friends at rescue centres and dog pounds who would jump at the chance to be part of your family.

When you adopt an adult dog from a shelter, for example, you will hopefully never have to deal with misunderstandings or training difficulties - which can often be associated with taking on a new puppy. So why not adopt an older pet today?

What Are The Qualities You Are Looking For?

You have to be able to pinpoint what kind of dog works best for you and your environment because this will help the dog rescue centre find you a good match. Remember to keep an open mind when it comes to breeds because dogs need homes too - even if they are different than the ones that you had initially envisioned.

Try and keep an open mind about certain things like coat colour, size, or age instead of being fixated on getting a certain breed. Remember to weigh things such as a friendly and sociable temperament versus how active or energetic you may want them to be.

Photo of Person Touching Brown Puppy

Getting the Right Dog from Rescue Centre

One of the biggest hurdles an avid animal lover can face is finding the right dog - or should we say puppies! If, after a few visits to your local animal shelter, you don't find 'the one' within a short amount of time, don't be discouraged. It's important to take things slow and not make rash decisions as it could lead you to bring someone home that doesn't fit into your lifestyle.

If things don't work out for example by the dog peeing on your couch, or chewing up all of your shoes - that can be very stressful for both yourself and the dog. The best thing to do when trying to adopt a new pet is to find out if they offer trial adoption periods. This way, you'll get to spend more time with them in their environment so you know exactly how they interact with those around them.

The Technicalities behind Adopting the Dog

Once upon a time, people would adopt pets after just an hour or two during their free time. While this seemed to work in many cases, it was never the most ideal situation. Most individual adoption agencies soon began to realise that while the dogs were being placed in loving families, they were often ending up in homes that weren't suitable for them. Sometimes even worse, they ended up having unwanted puppies.

These days, one who adopts a dog is required to fill out an application and wait for approval before picking their pet up from the shelter. Once that's been given all parties are usually happy because not only does the animal end up being with someone who can give them everything they need but there's also more of a sense of responsibility. When you do this you're taking on all of their needs from food to medical attention.

Home Check

Before you even think about bringing a dog into your home, you need to ensure that it is safe for them. This might make things hard if you are going to bring in a rescue dog because they have often been kept in facilities that were not suitable before this. But try your hardest. You should remove any objects or furnishings they could accidentally get hurt on, secure your garden so they don’t escape.

Similarly inspect your home to see if there are any potential routes where the dog could escape (for example, closing doors after yourself). It’s important to remember that not only do you want to ensure the house is safe for the dog, but also that it feels like a proper home for them too - this means ensuring you have enough space for the dog to run around in. So even if space isn’t an issue initially, it’s a good idea to find somewhere appropriate just in case.


As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider when bringing a rescue dog home. But, with a bit of research, time, and patience, you can transform a rescue dog into the family member you've always wanted. I hope this blog helps you in selecting the right dog for your family.


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