• Motion Sickness In Dogs - Tips and Prevention Recommendations

    Motion Sickness In Dogs - Tips and Prevention Recommendations

    Motion sickness in dogs is a condition that can cause them to vomit, have diarrhea, or drool excessively. If your dog suffers from motion sickness, you know how frustrating it can be. It can be caused by riding in a car, boat, or airplane. Motion sickness is more common in puppies and young dogs, but it can occur in any dog at any age....
  • The explanation and solution to your dog's weird behavior.

    The explanation and solution to your dog's weird behavior.

    There are a lot of behaviours shown by pets that owners not only find bothersome but also potentially dangerous. If the problem is something new and out of the ordinary in your dog's routine, you should think about bringing your dog to the veterinarian as the first step in order to rule out the possibility of any health concerns.   It is in your best interest...
  • The Importance of Choosing the Correct Dog Harness for Your Vehicle

    The Importance of Choosing the Correct Dog Harness for Your Vehicle

    Have you ever wanted to just let your dog out of his crate and let him run around in the back seat? When travelling with your dog in the backseat, have you wished there was a law forbidding it? There is, in fact, a statute against it.  All dogs should be confined in a moving car as according Highway rules. It's not only illegal,...
  • When they're 7 weeks old, is it safe for pups to be separated from their mothers?

    When they're 7 weeks old, is it safe for pups to be separated from their mothers?

    Can Puppies Leave Mother at 7 Weeks? You've already reserved a Labrador puppy from a reputable breeder, maybe even before the mother dog was even born. You can't wait for the day you can welcome your new puppy into your life. Now you're wondering when a puppy can be left alone for the first time. After all, your puppy will be weaned at the...
  • How to Treat Constipation in Dogs | My Dog Is Constipated

    How to Treat Constipation in Dogs

    If your dog feels uncomfortable while passing stool or looks irritable, Maybe he is suffering from Constipation. Treat your dog's Constipation as soon as possible to avoid further compilation. Constipation in Dogs Constipation is normal in pets, especially dogs, and occurs due to undigested food particles in the large intestine, which become hardened enough to pass quickly.  The food travels from the GI tract...
  • How many puppies can a Pitbull have

    How many puppies can a Pitbull have

    How many Puppies can a Pitbull have? Having a Pitbull in your life could be the best decision, and the addition of his puppies will double the enjoyment in your life. Have you ever wondered how many puppies can a Pitbull have? It is estimated that a Pitbull has an average of 5 puppies, but the number can be varied from breed to breed,...
  • Puppies Leaving Mother at 7 Weeks: What You Need to Know

    Puppies Leaving Mother at 7 Weeks: What You Need to Know

    Looking back at previous weeks might help prepare for this week's development work. Seven-week-old pups remain with their mother and littermates until they are eight weeks old. A large number of states have passed legislation to support this position. Only a handful of states allow pups to be sold at seven weeks of age, which is quite unusual. Before 7 Weeks The mother dog...
  • Things you need to know before getting a puppy

    Things you need to know before getting a puppy

    When your dog is a puppy, you should begin teaching him or her. There are a lot of things you can do on your own, but it's always a good idea to get some expert advice. In this course, you will learn how to effectively work with your puppy, including how to train her not to jump up on people. It's a great opportunity...
  • Can Maltese be left alone? Leaving your dog in the house

    Can Maltese be left alone? Leaving your dog in the house

    Maltese are known as family dogs. The cute breed is active and fearless, and is friendly. They are a good source of entertainment for the younger children. But, keeping Maltese at your home is not as easy as it seems. Because you will always wonder that can maltase be left alone at home? Maltese are highly sensitive and can't live lonely, apart from other...
  • Stopping Golden Retrievers Jumping up on People

    Stopping Golden Retrievers Jumping up on People

    Golden Retrievers are some of the most popular dogs in the world. They are loving, loyal, and affectionate companions to their owners. However, if you get a Golden Retriever as your pet and it leaps up on people, you may be frustrated by this behavior. Dogs usually jump on the people they meet to get their attention. However, these attention-seeking jumps are often dangerous...

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