9 Signs your dog needs to be neutered!

Signs your dog needs to be neutered

One pleasant day, you are having a splendid time when an agitated pet parent approaches you, saying “My dog ran away with a she-dog”. Sounds funny! In situations like this it is best to conceal your laughter because this behavior may seem amusing to you but is alarming to the pet parent. After all, imagine if the situation is reversed and it was your fur buddy who went on an unexpected escapade. 

So, fellow pet parents in this guide we will talk about “neutering” that can help in reducing such behavior in your dog. But are these escapades enough to signal the appropriate time to get your dog neutered? Read ahead to learn more about neutering and the various signs your dog needs to be neutered.

What is neutering a dog?

What is neutering a dog

Neutering is the surgical procedure by which the reproductive organs are removed that makes the dog unable to reproduce. In the case of neutering male dogs their testes are removed.

  • When to get dog neutered?

     There is no such thing as the right time or right age to neuter your dog as it depends upon the breed, size and health of your pet. It is recommended to take a veterinarian's advice as they can guide you whether to get your dog neutered between the age of six to nine months or after they are fully developed. 

  • Benefits of neutering a dog

     Neutering not only prevents unwanted litters but it also reduces aggression and roaming. It provides multiple health benefits while improving behavior.  

  • Disadvantages of neutering a dog

When neutering a dog, there are risks including infection and complications related to surgeries. This can also lead to obesity in dogs, change in coat texture or appearance and may affect the dog’s growth.

Differences in a neutered dog & non neutered dog

Neutered dog

Non neutered dog


⇒ The neutered dogs are less to roam.

⇒ Neutering also reduces aggression and mounting behavior.

⇒ It can also decrease urine marking.

⇒ The non neutered dogs are more likely to roam.

⇒ Non neutered dogs are seen with increased aggression and frequent mounting behavior

⇒ The urine marking is frequent.


⇒ A neutered dog is not prone to reproductive disorders.

⇒ Neutering also prevents unplanned pregnancies.

⇒ A non neutered dog has the risk of testicular cancer, prostate problems and pyometra.

⇒ Potential for unplanned pregnancies. 


How to tell if a dog is neutered?

How to tell if a dog is neutered
  • Scars: After the surgery, the male dog usually has a scar near the scrotum where the testicles were removed during neutering.
  • Physical Examination: A physical examination by a vet can also help you in determining the signs of neutering. 
  • Medical Records: The medical records of the dog can also indicate whether the dog has been neutered or not. A vet clinic usually keeps the records of dogs.
  • Behavioral Signs: Neutered dogs may exhibit different behaviors compared to intact dogs. 
  • Hormonal Testing: Hormonal testing can also be conducted to determine the dog's reproductive status.

Signs your dog needs to be neutered

Common behavior seen in male dogs:

Signs your dog needs to be neutered

1. Roaming behavior:

Observe your dog’s behavior and find the reasons why they are trying to escape from home or roam in the neighborhood. As one of the common signs your dog needs to be neutered is that the male dogs are leaving the house to seek out females. Neutering your dog will help in reducing this roaming behavior of your dog.

2. Aggressive behavior:

Hormones, especially testosterone can make your dog prone to aggression and it is more towards other males. The aggressive behavior in dogs is a result of territorial behavior or conflict with other dogs,  particularly if they perceive them as rivals for mating opportunities.

3. Mounting:

Mounting behavior is a natural part of mating behavior in dogs, but excessive or persistent mounting can be a sign your dog needs to be neutered. As this behavior is a result of sexual frustration, dominance, or simply an expression of excitement. Neutering can reduce the frequency of mounting behavior by reducing the dog's hormonal drive to mate.

4. Urine marking:

Dogs engage in urine marking to establish territory and communicate with other dogs. This behavior can be reduced by neutering as it influences the hormones. Though the effectiveness of neutering in urine marking depends upon the individual dog's temperament, age, and underlying motivations for marking. 

5. Agitation Around Other Dogs:

Male dogs may feel agitated around other dogs especially when they detect the scent of a female in heat nearby. This can make your dog reactive towards other dogs often leading to conflicts hence increasing the risk of aggression.

Common behavior seen in female dogs:

Signs your dog needs to be spayed

1. Overpopulation Concerns:

If you are concerned about the homeless litter of puppies and increasing population of your dogs, neutering or spaying your dogs may be the solution. This way you will be able to prevent the birth of unwanted puppies and contribute to the overall welfare of animals.

2. Unwanted pregnancy:

Unwanted pregnancies in female dogs are clear signs your dog needs to be neutered in order to prevent unplanned puppies. Uncontrolled breeding can also result in pet overpopulation and this can result in puppies that may not find homes. 

3. Heat cycles:

Female dogs go into heat, or estrus, approximately every six months. During this time, they may exhibit behavioral changes such as restlessness, increased vocalization, and attracting male dogs. Spaying eliminates heat cycles and prevents unwanted behaviors associated with them.

Warning signs after neutering dog

Warning signs after neutering dog

The following are the warning signs after neutering dog. In case you witness these complications after neutering a male dog consult a vet to ensure the betterment of your dog.

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Swelling or bruising
  • Lethargy & loss of appetite
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Persistent pain
  • Signs of infection
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Changes in behavior
  • Difficulty urinating or defecating

Dog recovery suit after neutering

dog recovery after neutering

A dog recovery suit is a special garment that dogs can wear after the surgical procedure. These suits provide protection, comfort, and support for dogs. These suits come in various styles to meet the needs and preferences of your pet.

Here are the common types of dog recovery suits:

→ Full body recovery suits are the suits that cover the entire body of dogs. It usually has long sleeves and pant legs that ensure the whole body is covered. This will ensure maximum protection against licking, scratching, or rubbing.

→ Short sleeve recovery suits cover the torso and part of the hind legs, leaving the front legs exposed. These suits are beneficial for those dogs who require moderate coverage and protection after surgery as they offer balance between coverage and mobility

→ Bodysuit with Belly Band comes with a belly band or wrap-around design that provides extra support and coverage for the abdomen. This band not only keeps the suit securely in place but also  provides compression to the surgical area.


When can I bathe my dog after neutering?

It is recommended to wait at least 10 to 14 days after neutering before giving your dog a bath. This allows the incision site to heal properly and reduces the risk of infection.

How soon can I walk my dog after neutering?

Wait at least 7-10 days before resuming regular walks or exercise after neutering. Remember to take the advice of a veterinarian.

Do dogs gain weight after being neutered?

Neutered dogs may be more prone to weight gain due to changes in metabolism and hormone levels. 

Do non neutered dogs live longer?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as longevity in dogs can be influenced by various factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health care. 

What is the difference between spayed and neutered?

Spaying is a surgery performed on female dogs to remove the ovaries and usually the uterus whereas neutered is used for both female and male animals but it is commonly used for males. 

How long after neutering dog is testosterone gone?

It may take several weeks for the testosterone levels to decrease in male dogs. 

My dog just got neutered and keeps crying - What to do?

It is normal for dogs to feel pain after surgery, so if your dog crying after neutering, provide any prescribed pain medication and a comfortable place or dog bed to rest. Contact your vet in case the crying continues.


Now, it’s time to wrap up our doggy escapades and this guide “9 Signs your dog needs to be neutered” as well. The decision to get your dog neutered depends upon your dog’s health and you. Remember this decision is not just about reproductive control—it is about promoting the overall health, well-being, and happiness of our beloved furry companions.

Remember, every dog is unique, and the decision to neuter should be made in consultation with your veterinarian, taking into account factors such as breed, age, health, and behavior. We hope you find guidance in these 9 signs your dog needs to be neutered and may your bond with your dog grow stronger with each step you take towards their well being.

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